Current Issue

Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 12/31/24

Year: 2024


Book Reviews

ADAM ACADEMY, started publishing in 2011, is an international academic journal that conducts a double-blind peer-review process and accepts research articles, review articles, and book reviews. ADAM ACADEMY is published in one volume and two issues per year, June and December. Our journal accepts articles written in English and Turkish.

ADAM ACADEMY Journal of Social Sciences is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary academic journal covering the Ottoman world and geography. Special attention is given to the scientific researches/articles that deal with the issues on history, political science, economics, sociology, philosophy, international relations, environment, and development covering, especially, Ottoman geography covering history, present, and future. It is expected that the articles sent to the journal should evaluate with a specific point of view regarding the scope, current and future problems in their research questions of the countries in the Ottoman geography.

Articles submitted for publication should be original, contributing to knowledge and scientific information in related fields or bringing forth new views and perspectives on previously written scholarly papers. In order for any article to be published in ADAM ACADEMY, it should not have been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. Papers presented at a conference or symposium may be accepted for publication if clearly indicated so beforehand.

ADAM ACADEMY focuses on the countries and subjects that have come to today from Ottoman geography. The journal aims to provide a platform for the global research, analysis, and discussion of the societies that existed in Ottoman geography in the past and present. In addition, international and interdisciplinary academic work in this geography, the spread, exchange, and discussion of research findings, and encouraging collaboration and joint publications among academicians are among the issues that the journal attaches importance to.

Publication Principles
Academic impartiality and scientific quality are the most important criteria when evaluating articles submitted to the journal. The authors are assumed to acknowledge that the manuscripts they write for the journal are authentic and have never been published previously even in another language or have not been submitted for publication elsewhere. ADAM ACADEMY is a refereed journal. The editorial board expresses an opinion about the preliminary acceptance of the manuscripts and hands them over to the referees. The manuscripts are referred to at least two referees. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the article may be sent to a third referee, or the editor may make a final decision by examining the referee reports. The suggestions, criticism, and corrections made by the referees are redirected to the authors provided that the referees’ names remain anonymous; the authors are obliged to make referees’ consult. In case the authors are insistent upon their own manuscripts, the editorial board re-evaluates them. In accordance with the referees’ opinions, the manuscripts cleared for publication by the editorial board are reviewed for their format, spelling rules, references, and visual materials; the final assessment is conducted by the editorial coordinator provided there is no crucial defect. The copyright of the manuscripts accepted to be published in the journal is deemed to have been transferred to ADAM ACADEMY Journal of Social Sciences. The responsibility of the opinions expressed in the published articles belongs to their authors.

The application, review, field editor evaluation, referee review, correction, and publication process ranges between 8 and 18 months on average for the submitted manuscripts to ADAM ACADEMY. These processes are followed through the online article submission system. The authors are not informed through other channels.

Writing Rules
ADAM ACADEMY uses APA version reference format. The citation system, format of footnotes and bibliography of manuscripts submitted to ADAM ACADEMY should be prepared in line with American Psychological Association (APA) style.

Attention should be paid to presenting the articles submitted to ADAM ACADEMY as follows. If a condition that does not comply with the following rules is detected during the pre-check phase, the article is returned to the author without being sent to the referees, and is requested to be framed by the following rules:

General view: Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format. Times New Roman writing style is used in the main text including tables, graphics, figures, maps. The line spacing of the text is 1.15. Paragraphs are separated by space, not with a paragraph indentation. Line spacing can be set as 1 in the tables. The submitted studies are expected to be at least 5,000 words, excluding the English extended summary. The main text is written in 10 font sizes.

Title: It should be a title that is compatible with the content, which expresses it best and only the initials of the words should be written in bold capital letters, in 11 font size. Conjunctions (and, for, etc.) should be written completely lowercase.

Name(s) and address(es) of the author(s): The title, name, and institution of the author is 10 font size and centered. The title of the author is not used, and the institution name is written in italics. For other information, a footnote is given next to the name of the author as *. The title, university/institution, faculty/institute/college, department, e-mail address, and ORCID ID are written in the footnote respectively.

Abstract: There should be an abstract written in Turkish and English, with a font size of 9 and not exceeding 200 words at the beginning of the article. The used sources, figures, and table numbers should not be mentioned in the abstract. Keywords consisting of at least 3 and at most 8 words should be given in Turkish and English by leaving a blank line under the abstract.

Extended Abstract: It must be presented with an English extended abstract of 1000-1500 words in order to increase the international visibility of the manuscript. This abstract can be presented with the article in submission, or it can be presented after the manuscript is accepted for publication. But in the second case, the extended English abstract will be re-transmitted to the English editors.

Tables, Graphics, and Figures: The names of tables, graphics, figures, etc. should be written on the table, graphic, and figure in 9 font size. The names of tables, graphics, figures, etc. should be numbered and written perpendicular to the left and bold, with a dot (.) at the end. The name of the table, the graphic, and the figure should be written in small, with only the first letter of the first word capitalized (Example: Table 1. Citation table). The figures and graphics to be used in the study should be prepared in high resolution suitable for printing in black and white. The source should be written in italics, 8 font size, and centered below the table, graphic, or figure. The size of the text to be used in the tables should be chosen as a maximum of 9 font sizes.

Citations: Authors should avoid using footnotes as much as possible. Footnotes should be used only for explanations and numbered automatically. ADAM ACADEMY does not use endnotes. On the other hand, endnotes should only be used for explanation, and at the end of the text. In order to indicate sources in footnotes, authors should use the principles of in-text citation. Direct quotations should be given in quotes; Quotations less than five lines should be written between the lines, and quotations longer than five lines should be written in 1 point small (9 font size), 1.5 cm from the left and right of the line, in blocks and with 1 line spacing.

If there is a general reference in the text and a reference is made to the whole text (surname, year) it is sufficient to write. Example: (Bulut, 2009).

If a page is quoted or related ideas are taken from a certain section, the source is written with the page number. Example: (Faroqhi, 1997: 67) or (Korkut, 2020: 12-14).

Citation table

Type of citation
Citations in the text 
Citations in the parenthesis format
One author
Brown (1966)
(Brown, 1966: 27)
Two authors
Lampe and Jackson (1982)
(Lampe & Jackson 1982: 44)
Three authors
Bulut, Akkemik and Göksal (2012)
(Bulut, Akkemik, & Göksal, 2012: 25)
4+ authors
Abisel et al. (2005)
(Abisel et al., 2005: 65)
Author groups can be understood with the abbreviation
 TÜİK (2015)
(TÜİK, 2015: 7)
Author groups (non-abbreviation)
Ministry of Treasury and Finance (2016)
(Ministry of Treasury and Finance, 2016: 15)

If more than one source is cited in the same parenthesis, the first to be written in the bibliography is written first and the citations are separated by a semicolon (;). Example: (Bulut, 2009; Korkut, 2020).

The name of the institution should be included in the references to the institutions in the internet addresses. Example: (CBRT, 2020).

In the citations made to the articles whose authors/reporters are known on the websites, the name of the author should be quoted as normal. Example: (Karaman, 2020).

The works of an author with the same date are written as follows: (Özcan, 2008a) and (Özcan, 2008b).

References: All references (excluding classical texts and personal interviews) used and cited during the manuscript are added to the References. The works that are not cited in the study are not included in the References.

The references should be written in 9 font including the References title at the end of the text, in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors. References should be listed by the date of publication if an author has more than one publication.

DOI numbers, if any, of the cited source are written at the end:

Pamuk, Ş. (2004). The evolution of financial institutions in the Ottoman Empire, 1600–1914. Financial History Review, 11(1), 7-32. DOI: 10.1017/S0968565004000022

Single author book
Çadırcı, M. (1991). Tanzimat döneminde Anadolu kentleri'nin sosyal ve ekonomik yapıları (Vol. 124). Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.

Multi-authored book
Demir, C., & Çevirgen, A. (2006). Ekoturizm yönetimi. Nobel Yayınları. İstanbul.

Editorial book
İnalcık, H., & Quataert, D. (Ed). (1994). An economic and social history of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1914. Cambridge University Press.

Chapter in the book
Bulut, M., & Korkut, C. (2017). A Look at Cash Waqfs as Islamic Financial Institutions and Instruments. Critical Issues and Challenges in Islamic Economics and Finance Development (85-96). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Karagöl, E. T., & Akgeyik, T. (2010). Türkiye’de İstihdam Durumu: Genel Eğilimler. Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Toplum Araştırmaları Vakfı, 21.

Article from journal
Bulut, M. (2011). Gelişen Avrupa Genişleyen Osmanlı’dan Günümüze Dünya Ekonomisi’nde Değişen Dengeler ve Yeni Merkez. ADAM AKADEMİ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(1), 11-28.

Internet sources
Karaman, H. (2020). Dâru’l-harb konusu. Yeni Şafak: [27.06.2020].

Huiyao, W. (2020). China Should Join Trade Deal the U.S. Abandoned. Bloomberg Opinon: [27.06.2020].

Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası – TCMB. (2020). Çin Yuanı Fonlaması Kullandırımlarının Gerçekleştirilmesine İlişkin Basın Duyurusu (2020-33): [27.06.2020].

World Health Organization – WHO. (2020). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: [27.06.2020].

Publication Ethics
The publication processes implemented in ADAM ACADEMY are the basis for the development and distribution of scientific knowledge in an impartial and respectful manner. The processes applied in this direction directly reflect the quality of the work of the authors and institutions supporting the authors. Refereed articles are works that embody and support the scientific method. It is important that all stakeholders (authors, readers, and researchers, publishers, referees, and editors) must comply with the standards for ethical principles on this point. All stakeholders are expected to carry out the following ethical responsibilities under the scope of publication ethics of ADAM ACADEMY.

The following ethical duties and responsibilities have been set up as open access, taking into account guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
The detailed information could be reach at the link.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
The authors(s) who send the articles to ADAM ACADEMY are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities;

§ It is expected that the article the author(s) send is unique. If author(s) use other studies, they need to make a complete and accurate citation.
§ Persons who do not make intellectual contributions to the content in the creation of the article should not be mentioned as author(s).
§ All articles submitted for publication should be clarified if there is a conflict of interest.
§ The raw data of the articles in the framework of the evaluation process can be requested from the author(s). In such a case, the authors should be prepared to submit the expected data and information to the editorial board and the scientific committee.
§ Authors should have necessary permission documents indicating that they took permission for the use of the research/analysis, or the receipt of the trial recipients.
§ If the author(s) perceive a mistake or error in the published, early-view, or evaluation processes, they have an obligation to cooperate with the editor in informing, correcting or withdrawing.
§ Authors cannot have their work in the application process of more than one journal at the same time. Each application can be started following the completion of the previous application. Published work in another journal cannot be sent to ADAM ACADEMY.
§ It is not possible to propose revises on author's responsibilities (such as adding author, changing author order, author extraction, etc.) in the article that the evaluation process began.

Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
ADAM ACADEMY editor and field editors should have the following ethical duties and responsibilities based on COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access:

General Duties and Responsibilities
The editors are responsible for every article published in ADAM ACADEMY. In this context, the editors have the following roles and responsibilities:

§ To make efforts to meet the information needs of readers and authors,
§ To develop the journal constantly,
§ To carry out the processes to improve the quality of published studies,
§ To support the freedom of thought
§ To provide academic integrity
§ To continue processes without compromising on intellectual property rights and ethical standards
§ To show clearness and transparency in terms of publication in matters requiring correction, explanation

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
Blind peer-review is the principal mechanism by which the quality of research is judged. This evaluation directly affects the quality of the publication. This process provides trust with objective and independent evaluation of the publication.

ADAM ACADEMY evaluation process is carried out with the principle of double-blind peer-review. Referees cannot communicate directly with the authors, reviews and comments are transmitted through the journal management system (dergipark). In this process, evaluation forms and referees’ comments on full texts are sent to the authors through the editor.

In this context, it is expected that the referees who evaluate the articles for ADAM ACADEMY have the following ethical responsibilities:

§ Referees should only accept studies related to the field of their specialization.
§ The referees must evaluate in impartiality and confidentiality.
§ Referees should inform the editor of the journal, refusing to review the study if they think that they are facing a conflict of interest during the evaluation process.
§ Referees must dispose of the studies they have examined under the confidentiality principle after the evaluation process. Only the final versions of the studies can be used.
§ Referees should objectively evaluate only the content of the work. Referees should not allow nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs, and commercial concerns to influence the evaluation.
§ Referees must make the assessment constructively and gently. Referees should not engage in insulting personal interpretations of hostility, slander, and insults.
§ The referee must carry out the work on which they accept the evaluation on time and above the ethical responsibilities.

Ethical Responsibilities of Publisher
Ankara Center for Thought and Research (ADAM), the publisher of ADAM ACADEMY, is a non-profit and non-governmental organization. ADAM publishes ADAM ACADEMY in order to publicize the relation between ADAM and ADAM ACADEMY in accordance with the philosophy of establishment. In this context, ADAM and the Board of Directors act with the awareness of the following ethical responsibilities regarding ADAM ACADEMY:

§ The editor is responsible for all the processes for the studies sent to ADAM ACADEMY. The decision-maker is the editor, regardless of economic or political gains.
§ ADAM undertakes to make independent editorial decisions.
§ ADAM shall protect the proprietary and copyrights of every published manuscript in ADAM ACADEMY and assume the obligation to keep a record of each published manuscript.
§ ADAM has the responsibility to take all kinds of scientific abuses, censorship, and plagiarism related to the editorial.

If You Encounter a Situation that is not Ethical in ADAM ACADEMY
If you encounter any unethical behavior or content outside of the ethical responsibilities mentioned above in ADAM ACADEMY, please notify by e-mail    

ADAM ACADEMY does not charge any fee from the authors for publication application, refereeing processes and publication processes. In addition, 1 issue is sent free of charge to the authors whose articles are published upon request.


All articles published on ADAM ACADEMY are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license grants you the right to reproduce, share and disseminate data mining applications, search engines, websites, blogs and all other platforms, provided that all published articles, data sets, graphics and attachments are cited. Open access is an approach that facilitates interdisciplinary communication and encourages different disciplines to work with each other.

ADAM ACADEMY provides added value to its field by offering more access and more transparent evaluation process to its articles in this direction.